4 Track 7", Released by No Idea Records.
These have all come from my personal collection and as such may have some slight creasing to the covers!!?
Copies available:
Pressing Info:
NIR-210: BRIDGE AND TUNNEL "Bridge and Tunnel" —7”
1st Pressing: 543 Dirty Grey, 3 Toothpaste, 4 Minty Green (2007)
2nd Pressing: 300 Clear Orange, 123 Opaque Orange, 59 Yellow, 40 Opaque Light Green, 38 Opaque Dark Green, 28 Yellowish Tan, 28 Pink, 28 Grey, 4 Orange Grey Mix, 3 Cloudy Grey, 1 Cloudy Clear Orange
3rd Pressing: 4 Green-Yellow Mix, 4 Purple Mix, 7 Orange Mix, 20 Dark Blue/ Green Mix, 73 Yellow, 392 Pale Grey-Pink-Yellow-Green mush (2008)
Now with insert info printed on the inside of the cover.
4th Pressing: 100 Light Grey Rainbow, 400 Purple-Pink mIx (2010)